Duncan Claims 2023 Yamaha NCPGA Match Play on home turf.

Congratulations to Michael Duncan, PGA from Cypress Point Club. Michael won five matches in three days on his home turf Monterey Peninsula, this week defeating Derrick Zachman, PGA from Timber Creek GC 4 & 2 to capture the prestigious 2023 Yamaha NCPGA Match Play Championship. With his victory Michael earns a birth into the 2023 PGA Tour Barracuda Open this July in Truckee, CA. Congrats Michael!


Match Results:

Quarter Finals:

Tom Johnson, PGA defeated Jason Owen, PGA  6 &5

Michael Duncan, PGA defeated Stuart Smith, PGA  4 & 2

Scott de Borba, PGA Don Winter, PGA 2 & 1

Derrick Zachman, PGA defeated Dana Desarle, PGA 3 & 2


Michael Duncan, PGA defeated Tom Johnson, PGA  3 & 1

Derrick Zachman, PGA defeated Scott de Borba, PGA 2 & 1


Michael Duncan, PGA defeated Derrick Zachman 4 & 2

A big thank you to host PGA Professionals that hosted this year, Nick Musolino, PGA Corral de Tierra, Riley Ramones, PGA The Preserve Golf Club, Casey Reamer, PGA Cypress Point Club and Eric Lippert, PGA Pebble Beach GL for hosting this year.

Thank you to our supporting sponsors this year. Yamaha, Sterling Cut Glass & PGA Tour